Provisional list for filling 06 vacant posts in the office of Adarsh District Divyang Rehabilitation Center Balaghat
Published on: 27/03/2025कार्यालय सामाजिक न्याय एवं दिव्यांगजन सशक्तिकरण जिला बालाघाट !! प्रेस विज्ञप्ति !! क्रमांक/ 346 /स्था./भर्ती/डीडीआरसी./2025 बालाघाट, दिनांक 27.03.2025 कार्यालय आदर्श जिला दिव्यांग पुर्नवास केन्द्र बालाघाट में 06 रिक्त पदों की पूर्ति हेतु अनंतिम सूची प्रेस विज्ञप्ति कार्यालयीन पत्र क्रमांक/1096/स्था./भर्ती/डी.डी.आर.सी./2024 बालाघाट दिनांक 17.12.2024 के द्वारा जारी अनंतिम सूची पर दावा-आपत्ति दिनांक 26.12.2024 तक आमंत्रित […]
MoreTraining of CPCT (CPCT) started in E-Daksh center, CPCT training will be done in the center authorized by the government
Published on: 14/08/2023As per the instructions of the Honorable Collector Balaghat, the candidates interested in this course being conducted by the government can register for the necessary computer course CPCT for government and non-government jobs at the E-Daksh Kendra located at the old collector’s office. In the lab equipped with modern computers, apart from computer and typing, […]
MoreLandrecords News
Published on: 24/05/2018Documents of selected candidates were fixed on 26/05/2018 through the Patwari Selection Examination 2017. Due to the suspension of the Patwari appointment in writ petition 7933/2018 by Honorable High Court Jabalpur, the proceedings of the document verification held on 26/05/2018 are postponed. The information of the upcoming date will be given separately.